Just add your details here and we'll send you the information pack by email.
You'll get a link to a PDF we've created that includes a video Kelly has made talking candidly about the business and why he's looking for a CEO now.
Inside you'll find the link to express your interest in the role if you like what you see. From there we'll be in touch ASAP by email, video message, SMS or phone depending on the stage.
Yes a real human (Meqa) reviews everything, no automated selection here.
Here's what to expect, step-by-step from here on in
You'll get the Information Pack emailed through to you within 3 minutes of requesting it. We do this because we believe that a high-value CEO will have a lot of questions before feeling ready to 'hit apply now' or even want to waste time booking in a phone call to discuss the role. So, inside you'll find the kind of information that will help you decide if this is really the role for you or whether it's probably not.
Our process includes a chance to share your unique perspective beyond your resume because there's way more to who you are and what you can bring to the team than your last few job titles. Once you've expressed your interest you'll get an email to confirm we've got your information and we'll continue to communicate by email, video message and phone throughout the process.
If we feel there's a chance you're the right person to join the team, to help ensure we're on the same page we have a few short online assessments we'll ask you to complete for us (max 30 min). They include values, motivation and communication style preferences. We do this to make the process as quick and easy to fit in around your existing commitments as possible and add a layer of quantitative data.
After the online assessment we'll invite the people we feel will work best with Kelly to meet with our external advisor on this project for a short Zoom conversation. Your assessment results will be shared with you before this so they can be discussed.
After Kelly has reviewed the initial Zoom conversations he will select the people he feels most aligned with to meet with him on Zoom or in person (depending on where you're currently located within Australia). From here there will be a number of conversations and potentially site visits to ensure that Kelly feels confident he's selected the right person and that the other person (maybe you) feels equally comfortable with the concept of working together.
This has got to be a win-win to work. The final decision is going to be made by Kelly, but the successful person will also need to feel that joining the team is the best possible decision they can make to fulfill their personal and professional goals.